Assault and Violent Crimes Defense Lawyer in Colorado

Facing assault or violent crime charges in Colorado can have life-altering consequences. These charges carry the possibility of long-term imprisonment, heavy fines, and a permanent criminal record that can affect every aspect of your future. At Kosloski Law, PLLC, we understand the gravity of these accusations and are dedicated to defending your rights and fighting for the best possible outcome in your case.

Understanding Assault and Violent Crime Charges in Colorado

In Colorado, assault and violent crimes cover a broad spectrum of offenses, ranging from physical altercations to more serious acts of violence involving weapons. The penalties for these crimes can vary significantly depending on the severity of the offense, the presence of a weapon, and whether any injuries occurred. The state takes these charges very seriously, and a conviction can result in years behind bars and a damaged reputation.

Here are some of the most common assault and violent crime charges we defend:

1. Assault

  • First-Degree Assault: This is the most serious form of assault, usually involving intentional harm with a deadly weapon or intent to cause permanent injury or disfigurement. First-degree assault is a felony and can carry a sentence of decades in prison.
  • Second-Degree Assault: This charge often involves causing bodily injury to another person, either intentionally or recklessly, with a deadly weapon. It is also considered a felony, with penalties ranging up to 16 years in prison.
  • Third-Degree Assault: Typically classified as a misdemeanor, third-degree assault involves causing bodily injury to someone. Although less severe, it can still lead to jail time, fines, and a criminal record.

2. Domestic Violence

Domestic violence encompasses a range of violent actions between people in an intimate relationship. In Colorado, a domestic violence conviction can lead to enhanced penalties, including mandatory counseling, loss of firearm rights, and jail time. Even a simple allegation of domestic violence can lead to restraining orders, eviction from your home, and other immediate consequences.

3. Battery

Battery is often charged in connection with assault and involves the unlawful physical contact or harm to another person. Like assault, the severity of battery charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies depending on the level of harm inflicted.

4. Weapons-Related Offenses

Charges involving weapons, such as armed assault or using a firearm during the commission of a crime, are taken very seriously in Colorado. These offenses often carry enhanced penalties, including mandatory minimum prison sentences, especially if the weapon was used in the commission of another crime.

5. Homicide and Manslaughter

Homicide and manslaughter are among the most severe charges in the Colorado legal system. A conviction can result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty in some cases. Kosloski Law, PLLC, has the experience and expertise needed to defend clients facing these life-altering accusations.

Potential Penalties for Assault and Violent Crimes in Colorado

The penalties for assault and violent crimes can be harsh and often include:

  • Prison Time: Depending on the severity of the charge, defendants can face anywhere from months to decades in prison. For serious crimes like first-degree assault or murder, the penalties can include nearly life or life sentences.
  • Fines: Convictions can lead to significant financial penalties, ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars in fines.
  • Probation: In some cases, probation may be an alternative to jail time, but violating the terms of probation can lead to immediate incarceration.
  • Restraining Orders: Allegations of domestic violence and other violent crimes can result in restraining orders that prevent you from seeing your family or returning home.
  • Loss of Rights: Convictions for violent crimes, particularly felonies, can result in the loss of certain civil rights, such as the right to vote, own a firearm, or hold certain professional licenses.

Defending Against Assault and Violent Crime Charges

At Kosloski Law, PLLC, we know that every case is unique, and we build personalized defense strategies for each client. Here’s how we approach assault and violent crime cases:

1. Thorough Investigation of the Facts

We start by carefully reviewing the details of your case, including police reports, witness statements, and any available evidence. Our goal is to identify inconsistencies, errors in the prosecution’s case, and potential violations of your constitutional rights.

2. Challenging the Evidence

In many cases, the evidence used to charge someone with a violent crime is circumstantial or flawed. We challenge the validity of witness testimony, question the integrity of evidence collection, and, if necessary, bring in expert witnesses to support your defense.

3. Self-Defense and Defense of Others

Many assault and violent crime charges stem from situations where our clients were defending themselves or someone else. In Colorado, you have the right to protect yourself if you are in imminent danger. We thoroughly investigate whether self-defense laws apply in your case and work to prove that your actions were justified.

4. Negotiation and Trial

We are skilled negotiators and may be able to secure reduced charges or penalties through plea agreements. However, if your case goes to trial, we are prepared to fight aggressively on your behalf in court. Our experience in litigating complex criminal cases ensures that you have a strong advocate in the courtroom.

Contact Kosloski Law, PLLC, for Aggressive Defense

If you or a loved one is facing assault or violent crime charges in Colorado, it’s crucial to act quickly. The stakes are high, and having an experienced and aggressive defense lawyer by your side can make all the difference. At Kosloski Law, PLLC, we are committed to protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome in your case.